The Moon


25-2-2004. The moon on 25-2-2004  (4 days)


26-4-2004 22h (belichting. ~1/100s)  (6 days)


26-5-3004 23h45 Auto exposure  (7 days)


27-5-3004 23h30 Auto exposure  (8 days)


28-5-2004 23h10 Automatic exp. (9 days)


29-5-2004 22h30  (10 days)


31-5-2004 22h45 (12 days)


1-6-2004 23h30 (13 days)


17-9-2005 0h00 (14 days)


21 - 10 - 2005 23:55 (18 days)


24-03-2004 1s exp. earthshine (3 days)


The moon - Details

  Here are some pictures from the moons surface in detail.



The southern limb of the moon, 5 days old camera Sanyo AZ3 (digital) with a Meade ETX 90 telescope, exposure 1/100s date 25-2-2004. Second picture: Detail


Montes Alpus (boven) en Montes Appenijnus (onder) op 28-2-2004

The Alps and Appenines on 28-2-2004


Sinus Medii (onder) en Mare Vaporum op dezelfde dag. Beide foto;s op 1/100 s belicht.

Sinus Medii (below) en Mare Vaporum at the same day



Copernicus 30-2-2004 om 23:00 exp. 1/60 (left) and 28-5-2004 23:28 exposure automatic (right)


De zuidelijke terminator op 28-2-2004 belichting 1/60 s. The southern terminator on 28-2-2004


Clavius  30-2-2004 om 23:00 exp. 1/60



Clavius 28-5-2004 23:30


Schickard, 31-5-2004 22:45